the quest for reality
i walk away from the days when it all started
i walk away from the place i never knew
i walk away from the people i always wanted
only to find myself in the quest for reality
i make an attempt to reconcile myself with the past
i try to find a reason for my existence in the present
i challenge to enlighten the hearts of a distant future
only to find myself in the quest for reality
i do not dare to ask the questions i tried to answer
i care not to be understood by those who try
i would not want to live a life only to encounter another death
only to find myself in the quest for reality
but now i see the light in the darkness
but now i hear the voice of silence
but now i feel the anger of my love
only to find myself in the quest for reality
will there ever be an answer?
peace shall forever rest in the hearts of those
who never gain from the war within our souls.
but to challenge a perception will bring life
to the mind of the being.

© d wolschner
feb 1998